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    1954生于中国武汉,1978毕业于湖北艺术学院美术系,1978 ~ 1992湖北美术学院工艺系任教,1993至今于华南师范大学美术学院担任教授。李邦耀是中国当代艺术中具有代表性的波普艺术家之一。他30余年的个人艺术经验在某种意义上折射出了中国现代艺术的流变——从表现主义到立体主义,从原始主义到观念艺术,从过程艺术到波普艺术。20世纪80年代,李邦耀作为湖北现代艺术团体“部落·部落”的组织者之一参与了85新潮美术运动。在1986年湖北美院的“部落·部落第一回展”上,李邦耀展出了题为《山泉》、《琅琊草与画架上的琅琊草与人》、《没有琅琊草的协奏》等四件作品,以自然主义+象征主义的手法,通过对“自然”与“文明”间关系的阐释,来构建从远古到未来的人类发展史。1992年随着中国的市场经济的开始,李邦耀创作了他的成名作《产品托拉斯》,并参加了同年举行的“广州双年展”。



    Artist: Li Bangyao

    Born in 1954 in Wuhan, China, he graduated from the Department of Fine Arts of Hubei University of Art in 1978, taught at the Department of Technology of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts from 1978 to 1992, and has been a professor at the School of Fine Arts of South China Normal University since 1993.
    Li Bangyao is one of the representative pop artists in Chinese contemporary art. His personal artistic experience of more than 30 years in a sense reflects the change of Chinese modern art - from expressionism to Cubism, from primordialism to conceptual art, from process art to pop art. In the 1980s, Li Bangyao participated in the 85 New Wave Art Movement as one of the organizers of the Hubei modern art group "Tribe · Tribe". In 1986, at the "First Exhibition of Tribes and Tribes" of Hubei Academy of Fine Arts, Li Bangyao exhibited four works entitled "Mountain Spring", "Langya Grass and Langya Grass and People on an El", "Concert without Langya Grass", etc., using naturalism and symbolism, through the interpretation of the relationship between "nature" and "civilization", to construct the history of human development from ancient times to the future. In 1992, with the beginning of China's market economy, Li Bangyao created his famous work "Product Trust" and participated in the "Guangzhou Biennale" held in the same year.