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    1979年出生于广东雷州,毕业于广州美术学院。现生活工作于北京、广州。2013年联合发起北京Aiyo space,2016年联合发起广州从化源美术馆,2019年10月启动“我的1/3亩田”艺术计划。他在绘画、写作、装置、行为、影像等领域,以个人体验的创作方式进行艺术创作研究,持续进行社会参与式艺术项目实践。通过个体的艺术行动,参与到日常中国社会的不同领域,实践个体观念的探索、认知、创作边界的拓展,以及个体的社会价值建立。自然、乡村和社会现场是他的创作基础和艺术问题的来源。



    Artist: Yin Kambao

    Born in Leizhou, Guangdong Province in 1979, he graduated from Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. He now lives and works in Beijing and Guangzhou. In 2013, Aiyo space in Beijing was jointly launched, Conghuayuan Art Museum in Guangzhou was jointly launched in 2016, and the "My 1/3 Mu Field" art project was launched in October 2019.
    In the fields of painting, writing, installation, behavior, video and other fields, he conducts artistic creation research through personal experience, and continues to practice social participatory art projects. Through individual artistic actions, they participate in different fields of daily Chinese society, practice the exploration of individual ideas, cognition, expansion of creative boundaries, and the establishment of individual social values. Nature, the countryside and the social scene are the basis of his creation and the source of his artistic problems.