• broken image

    摄影师:罗娴(Amy Luo)




    2014年赴美国国际摄影中心(ICP)学习艺术摄影,并获得该中心颁发的2015年度“丽塔•希尔曼杰出奖”。曾参与过中国和海外影视剧、纪录片拍摄等工作。系列作品曾获首届玛格南国际摄影大赛入围奖、法国Lensculture“曝光奖”、法国巴黎国际摄影奖(PX3)银奖、美国Photolucida机构Top 50杰出青年艺术家等国际奖项。其作品曾在美国国际摄影中心、阿尔勒摄影节、美国Edition One画廊等地展出,并发表在包括马格南图片社、《英国卫报》、《American Photography》、《Photograph Magazine》、《PDN Journal》、Lenscutlure等期刊或出版物。2018年在中国发起《农民工》大型公益摄影项目,在社会上获得热烈反响,获《人民日报》、新华社、央视新闻、《中国青年报》、日本NHK World等国内外逾50家主流媒体的广泛报道,获逾两亿观看量。



    Photographer: Amy Luo

    Born in the 1980s in Yueyang City, Hunan Province, he studied at the University of Westminster, the University of Edinburgh and the University of Paris I in France. He majored in European film studies and obtained a master's degree.
    In 2014, he studied art photography at the International Center of Photography (ICP) in the United States and was awarded the "Rita Hillman Award of Excellence" in 2015. He has participated in Chinese and overseas film and television series, documentary filming and other work. The series of works has won the first Magnum International Photography Competition finalist Award, the French Lensculture "Exposure Award", the French Paris International Photography Award (PX3) Silver Award, the United States Photolucida Top 50 Outstanding Young artists and other international awards. His works have been exhibited at the International Center of Photography, Arles Photo Festival, Edition One Gallery, etc. They have been published in journals and publications including Magnum Photo Agency, The Guardian, American Photography, Photograph Magazine, PDN Journal, Lenscutlure, and others. In 2018, the large-scale public welfare photography project "Migrant Workers" was launched in China, which was warmly received by the society, and was widely reported by more than 50 mainstream media at home and abroad, including People's Daily, Xinhua News Agency, CCTV News, China Youth Daily, and NHK World in Japan, with more than 200 million views.
    In 2020, as a special invited photographer, I will participate in the CCTV News "Tiantuan" project and take a series of artistic portraits of international famous figures such as Yuan Longping, Huang Xuhua, Ye Peijian and Qi Frailing.